Помилка бази даних WordPress: [Table 'placekyi_kyiv.wp5i_comments' doesn't exist]SELECT wp5i_comments.comment_ID
FROM wp5i_comments JOIN wp5i_posts ON wp5i_posts.ID = wp5i_comments.comment_post_ID INNER JOIN wp5i_commentmeta ON ( wp5i_comments.comment_ID = wp5i_commentmeta.comment_id )
WHERE ( comment_approved = '1' ) AND comment_post_ID = 4762 AND comment_parent = 0 AND wp5i_posts.post_status IN ('publish') AND wp5i_posts.post_type IN ('product') AND (
( wp5i_commentmeta.meta_key = 'rating' AND CAST(wp5i_commentmeta.meta_value AS SIGNED) > '0' )
) AND comment_type != 'order_note' AND comment_type != 'webhook_delivery'
GROUP BY wp5i_comments.comment_ID
ORDER BY wp5i_comments.comment_date_gmt DESC